Lending Limits and Late Charges


 Item Type Loan Period  Renewals  Late Charges(per day)  Maximum Fine 
 Adult Books 28 2 .25 $10
 New Fiction 14 2 .25 $10
 New Nonfiction  28 2  .25 $10
Large Print  28 2 .25 $10
 Magazines  7 0  .25 $5
 Audio Books  28 2  .25 $10
 CDs  14 2  .25 $10
 DVDs  3 2  1.00 $20
 Children's Books  28 2  .20 $5
 Children's Audio Books  28 2  .20 $5
 Museum Pass  3 0  10.00 $50


Note that as of September 4th, 2018 Monroe Free Library patrons over the age of 62 are exempt from late fees for MFL materials.